Dog Agility Class Information
Sessions run for five weeks. Classes are 1 hour long, limited to 8 dogs per class. Cost per Session is $180.00 (tax included) and is payable by cash or cheque at the first class.
Participating dogs must have Parvo, Distemper, and Bordetella (for kennel cough) vaccines that are current within a 3 year period. Rabies vaccines must be current within a 3 year period.

Dog Agility
Beginner Agility Class:
Dogs must know and be able to do all basic obedience commands (such as sit, stay, down, and be leash trained). Obedience classes are available for those who do not have these skills yet or need “a refresher.” Participants will be introduced to all obstacles. All jump heights will be set at a safe and appropriate level based on the size of dog. The A-frame, dog walk, and teeter will all be set at low levels and the weave poles will be in an offset configuration using guides. Dogs will be on leash most of the time.
Intermediate/Advanced Agility Class:
Participants in this class must have successfully completed the Beginner Class. Emphasis is on building the handler’s and dog’s confidence at completing all obstacles, building towards regulation heights for the dog’s size, and applying this to a set agility course. Dogs may be off leash to run a course where appropriate. Handlers will be running full courses and getting ready to compete if they so desire.
What is Dog Agility?
Some Benefits of Dog Agility:
- Helps develop a strong bond and good communication between handler and dog
- Emphasizes working together as a team with the handler helping their teammate through the obstacles using body and verbal cues
- Is a fun, healthy, yet mentally challenging way to connect and play with your dog
- Allows participation by all types and sizes of dogs, from mixed breeds to purebreds
- Can be enjoyed by people and dogs of all ages
- Is a great way to get exercise with your best friend as well as socialize with other dogs and their owners
Aggression is not tolerated in classes.
Dogs may be excused at any time without refund
More Agility Information
Agility was born at the 1978 Crufts Dog Show in England, where it was loosely based on equestrian jumping events. Since then, it has exploded in popularity all over the world.
Obstacles include jumps, tunnels, weave poles, tires, and contact obstacles - such as a dog walk, teeter totter, and A-frame. These obstacles are set up in a running course in numerical order. The goal is to complete all obstacles fault free under a specific time. You and your dog can earn working titles at sanctioned events under the Agility Association of Canada (AAC) for all breeds and under the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) for registered breeds.
Training is done gradually so that you and your dog get familiar with all the obstacles. All obstacles are set at low heights and will be increased only at the discretion of the instructor and when it is safe and comfortable for your dog to do so.
Classes are designed to provide you with a working foundation and knowledge of obstacles and how to work together with your dog to complete the obstacles. If you wish go on to compete with your dog, we can work together towards that goal. This does take time and practice to be sure that both of you are ready to compete. Having a solid understanding of obstacles and how to guide your dog through a set course now will go a long way to making you a better handler in the future, should you decide to compete.
Things you need for your class
- Flat collar
- 4-6 foot leash
- Soft Treats - cheese, wieners, or other soft packaged treats, for example. Hard treats are harder to swallow and not recommended.
- Water and bowl, if you feel your dog will need a drink during class
- Poop bags for any unexpected deposits