4 Paws on the Run was started in 2003
so I had a place to train all my dogs and puppies.

Linda Fedje
4 Paws on the Run was started in 2003 so I would have a place to train my own dogs. As a CKC Registered Breeder of Golden Retrievers, I also wanted to offer socialization and obedience classes to my new puppies and their owners. Classes also gave me an excellent opportunity to see how the new puppies were growing and adapting to their new homes. The puppies and their owners also would get to see their litter mates on a regular basis.
Over the years, 4 Paws has evolved into a very successful dog training business specializing in agility, obedience, and handling classes.
I have been involved with dogs all my life but I really got into training when I got my first Golden, Cassie. I wanted a dog that I could train and boy, was she the dog for me! Cassie excelled in everything we did from hunting, tracking, obedience, and agility. She made me look good!!!
She afforded me the time to become a good trainer because I never had to worry about her, just myself. For years, we went to every seminar we could in agility, obedience, and hunting, so we could continuously improve our skills. Unfortunately, Cassie passed away at a young age but she will always be in my heart.
I believe that all the foundation work I’ve done with my own dogs has made me a better trainer. Working with my puppies and their puppy owners has given me the patience to work with all dogs and their owners.
All my staff believe in positive training with food rewards. I personally specialize in puppy training which is divided into obedience and agility classes. With our purchase of small agility equipment for the puppies, we have had great success in our puppy program.
My passion is working with the puppies at obedience and agility. Like I say to my students, we are here to learn, build relationships with your dog and other dog owners, but most importantly to have FUN while doing it!!

Becki Bookham
Instructor: Puppy Obedience/ Beginner–Advanced Agility
I have had many breeds of dog since I was a young child but never really thought about doing anything other than basic training with them. I got interested in agility watching a friend run their Yorkie mix competing in an agility trial in North Vancouver many years ago. I came to believe that I too could run around an obstacle course with my dog and have some fun. I was sure that my St. Bernard/Lab mix, “Buddy,” could run around that course and do all the things the Yorkie did, only much faster.
It turned out that Buddy didn’t care if he was going through or over the obstacles, as long as he was “running the course.” He acquired the nickname of “The Terminator” amongst the agility people and, in time and with training, he eventually knocked down fewer jumps and earned some agility titles. He passed away at 7 years of age and my Golden “Tucker” took over the reins. He too liked to go fast and earned several titles before he retired.
Due to some back issues, I also needed to retire and decided that I didn’t really need to compete to share the enjoyment with other handlers and their dogs. They want their dogs to “have a job” and have FUN and enjoy the sport, but not necessarily compete. I have been passing on my knowledge of the “basics” of agility for many years now. I really enjoy watching owners who never thought they or their dogs could actually run an agility course develop and become a real team.
I look forward to seeing those smiling faces and barking dogs each week, ready to challenge another agility course they never thought they could do.

Patty Fyfe
Instructor: Conformation handling classes
I have been involved with dogs for most of my life. My first show dog was an Airedale Terrier and, for the past 20 years, I have owned, bred, and shown Dalmatians. My love of dogs has kept me working around them and I have thoroughly enjoyed instructing handling classes, introducing novices to the world of showing, and also having many experienced handlers bring and train their new pups in a spacious venue.
Most of all, we like to make handling fun!

Judith Cavers
All of my life, dogs have been a huge and integral part of my being. From the time that I was at my grandfather's farm, I have always been surrounded by dogs (multiples).
I find dogs to be very smart and willing to learn, comforting, best friends, and kind souls.
I have competed with my dogs for many years and I love obedience which is my first passion. I like to show my students tools to teach their dogs to be well-trained. I have always said that respect for dogs and humans is a two-way street.
Dog training has brought me a tremendous amount of enjoyment and satisfaction for many years. Come join us and you will get a chance to experience the same enjoyment and satisfaction as well.
Our wonderful support staff includes Kristy and Jane.

Kristy Sveinson
Support Staff
Hello, my name is Kristy. I have three Olde English Pocket Beagle pups (Sami - 8 years, Sofi - 6 years and Sawyer - 7 months) and I love training with them, whether it is in Obedience, Agility or Rally. My pups love spending time at 4 Paws on the Run. You’ll often see my Sofi hanging out with me in class and helping whenever she can. I have been training with Linda and Judith since Sami was a puppy. I have learned and continue to learn a great deal from the both of them and now I love helping out in the puppy classes with all the new owners and their little pups.